Archive for November 2009

Midtown Links (The “Cookie Argument Rages On” Edition)

This stupid cookie episode has proven one thing- everybody likes a different kind of chocolate chip cookie. (Photo courtesy of Food in Mouth)

Midtown Happy Hour: Chasing Away the Monday Blues at Margarita Murphy’s

If you like to eat, chances are you like to drink (read: a lot of you are freakin’ lushes), so I thought maybe it was time to introduce a happy hour column to the site. Every week, our Happy Hour Correspondent “Mamacita” posts about a different bar in Midtown that fits the Midtown Lunch mentality: unhealthy food, not lame (unless it’s lame in a cool way), and most importantly… cheap.

Margartia Murphy's

Ever get a case of the Mondays? You know, that feeling you get when facing the beginning of a long workweek or just staring into the never-ending list of projects and errands for the day? Well, I had it bad on Monday and found a wonderful solution. Of course it involved beer and procrastination. Now I’m not condoning drinking liberally at the beginning of the week… oh heck, who am I fooling, you need it, get your drink on people! Here’s how I did it up this past Monday…

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There is a Downside to Massive Cupcake Expansion: You know, aside from drawing the ire of Anthony Bourdain (and those of us who agree with Anthony Bourdain.) Cupcakes Take the Cake is reporting that Crumbs is now posting calorie counts for all their cupcakes (required by law for any food place with more than 15 locations.) Haha... good luck with that!

At Lunch Now: OBAO is Open and Here’s the Lunch Menu

As reported earlier OBAO is in fact open for lunch, and is already slammed. There’s eat in and take out (although there have been reports of 45 minute wait times) and a lunch menu that is slightly different than the dinner menu. Not everything is being offered at lunch, but the 3 meat dishes, 3 rice dishes and the vermicelli noodle dishes are all cheaper (although sadly most of the noodle dishes are now $11.)

Check it out after the jump…

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Black Shack is Not a Destination Burger, But Will Work Out Just Fine For the Area

Black Shack Burger

Considering how burger obsessed NYC is, it still amazing to me that Black Shack (the new burger spot on Lexington btw. 37+38th) managed to fly under the radar all this time. Fork in the Road broke the news on Wednesday, and yesterday I headed over to check the place out. The whole thing is less surprising once you see the joint.  With only a paper “Black Shack” sign in the window, it would be real easy to walk right by this place and not notice it. Black Shack is owned by the same folks that opened 67 Burger in Fort Greene- but unlike that place, which has 14 different toppings and a “beer milkshake”, Black Shack is a completely pared-down old-school fast-food burger joint.

Check out what they’re serving, after the jump.

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OBAO Opening Today For Lunch: OBAO, which opened for dinner on 53rd btw. 2+3rd on Monday, said they wouldn't be open for lunch until next week. But according to The Skinny Pig (via Eater), today is the day! AND word is, there is a special lunch menu with prices that are cheaper than the dinner menu. As soon as I get it, you will too.

NYC Cravings is in Midtown Today: Good news on the ML Twitter Tracker today... because they had truck issues yesterday, NYC Cravings will selling their Taiwaness fried chicken goodness on 53rd btw. Lex+Park today (sorry Downtown!) Also, Street Sweets is on 50th (with fresh baked goodies) and Rickshaw is on 45th.

How Do You Aoki? (Aka What’s Your Ideal 3 Roll Sushi Combo?)

Left is Mine, Right is Hers

I have slowly come to the realization that in the matter of sushi (as it pertains to Midtown Lunch’ing) I will never find the holy grail. In other words, you pretty much always get what you pay for… and it’s impossible to get a ton of sushi for less than $10, and also have it be edible. But if push comes to shove, my favorite spot is still Aoki (on 48th btw. 7+8th) even though they raised the price of their 3 roll lunch special from $10 to $11.  Tasty Eating is apparently a fan as well, and I couldn’t help but notice that her roll choice is a mirror image of my standard order:  eel and avocado, crunchy spicy tuna (don’t judge me), & shrimp tempura.  Great minds, I guess?  What’s your ideal three roll combo?

3 Quality Sushi Rolls for $10? Aoki Me!

I Guess Lucy’s Isn’t Serious Eats: The SENY crew hit up the one week old Lucy's Cantina Royale (on 34th and 8th) the other day and, to put it nicely, completely fucking hated the place in every way possible. Ouch. I think I'll reserve judgment until we hear back from our winner, but it's not looking good.

Twitter is the Latest Tool in DOH Cover Ups

Restaurants have all sorts of creative ways to cover up the big yellow sticker that lets people know their establishment has been closed by the DOH. But using Twitter to preemptively alert your customers that you will be “closing for the holidays” is a new one. Yesterday, we thought that maybe Mantao Chinese Sandwiches (which announced they will be closed through the weekend) got their Thanksgiving dates mixed up. Nope!  According to Lunch’er “ceh” they were closed by the DOH. Mantao has since deleted the tweet, but you can still see it on the ML Twitter Tracker. So much for the “Chinese Thanksgiving” theory

This morning a Mantao employee answered the phone and said that their boiler is broken and they are waiting for the landlord to fix it.  According to her it could happen this morning, in which case they’d be open for lunch today (although I’d call ahead.)