Where the New York Times Goes, the DOH Will Follow (With Their Stupidity)


Ouch.  Nothing like ending your biggest PR week of all time with a little Department of Health action.  Lunch’er Alvin spotted this in the window of the new 2 Bros Pizza location on 38th and 8th.  It’s too soon for the inspection to be posted on the DOH website, so we have no idea why they were closed- but with a new place like this it’s probably something stupid, like not having the proper sink installed.  No word on when they will reopen…

UPDATE: The owner just checked in with an explanation… and surprise! It is something stupid.

We have to build a door between us and our neighbor so we can access the basement bathroom without leaving the store. The door is being put up today (you can send someone to check that this is 100% accurate info). They wanted to open us today but no inspectors were available and they are closed on the weekend so we have to wait till Monday. It was our initial inspection and the inspector thought lack of this door was grounds for closing. We have a reopening inspection Monday at 9pm so we should be open 10am Monday.

Our restaurant is squeaky clean and we had no sanitary/cleanliness issues on the report. It is a construction issue that is being repaired as we speak.

Got to agree with Marc Murphy on this one… there is no reason a restaurant should be closed for an issue that has nothing to do with food safety. Forget about letter grades… is it just me or is this completely idiotic?

$1 Pizza Not For Bloggers, Cabbies, or Pizza Lovers… It’s For Homeless People
2 Bros Pizza 8th Ave. is Now Open


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