Archive for 'NYC Cravings'

Cravings Says It’s Ok to Pre-Order Your Fishcake

Mindful of the fact that nobody likes standing out in the freezing cold waiting for their lunch, the NYC Cravings Truck has told customers that if you want tianbula you can come up to the window and let them know before you get on line. Unlike the chicken and pork chops, which are made in a steady stream, the fishcakes are made to order. So letting them know before you get on line means a shorter wait when you get to the front. Thanks Cravings! The truck will be in Midtown today on 53rd btw. Park+Lex.

NYC Cravings Truck is Not Just Taiwanese Fried Chicken Anymore

No Cravings Truck Chicken Wings Until January


Booooooo Superbowl?  Apparently the price of chicken wings skyrockets in December, so the NYC Cravings Truck can’t afford to serve their new chicken wing special right now.  They’re hoping to start serving them again in January, when the prices go back down.  In the meantime we’ll just have to make due with their Taiwanese fried chicken and pork chops.

Cravings Truck Adds Chicken Wings; Says Thanks This Week With $5 Platters

Cravings Truck Adds Chicken Wings; Says Thanks This Week With $5 Platters

The NYC Cravings truck is getting into the Thanksgiving spirit this week by offering their signature Taiwanese fried chicken platter or fried pork chop platter for $5 each (it’s normally $7.)  They’re also serving fried chicken wings now… 10 pieces for $6.  They’ll be at their normal spots today (48th btw. 6+7th) and tomorrow (24th btw. Park+Mad), but because it’s a short week they’ve decided to spend Wednesday on 53rd & Lex.

NYC Cravings Brings Taiwanese Fried Chicken Awesomeness to the Mobile Food Scene
NYC Cravings Makes “Secret Menu Item” Permanent

Cravings Truck Eats Lunch Elsewhere: The Cravings Truck, which is parked on 24th btw. Mad+Park, admitted via Twitter to taking a lunch field trip to the Shake Shack today. Like this guy, I'm always suspicious of people who don't eat their own food- but I suppose you can't eat this every single day.  And it is the Shake Shack.

Your Guide to This is Why You’re Fat’s Eat N Tweet Challenge

The week that gross food fanatics have been waiting for is finally here… “This is Why You’re Fat: The Book” is out, and to celebrate they’re having an Eat N Tweet Challenge today involving 6 NYC food trucks (and a lot of over the top lunch specials). The way the contest works is this: every 20 minutes, starting at 11am, @TIWYF will be twittering one by one the locations of each of the 6 trucks in the city selling a special item inspired by the book (i.e. disgustingly delicious). The first person to hit up each truck, and twitter photos of themselves @TIWYF with each of the six specials will win a private food cart party of your choice with 25 friends, and This is Why You’re Fat gift bags with free copies of the book! I know a lot of you have twitter blocked by your offices, so we’re adding @TIWYF to the Midtown Lunch Twitter Tracker for the day so you can follow along.

The best part is, even if you can’t make it to all six trucks you can still try any of the This is Why You’re Fat inspired menu items. And I’m pretty sure at least three of the six trucks will be in Midtown tomorrow. Find out which ones, plus more tips, after the jump.

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NYC Cravings Truck Now Selling Zongzi


It appears as if the NYC Cravings truck is determined to bring Chinatown to Midtown bit by bit.  The latest addition to their Taiwanese menu is zongzi, a Chinese tamale-like snack featuring gluttinous rice stuffed in bamboo leaves and studded with all sorts of goodies.  Their version features peanuts, pork, chinese sausage, egg yolk, sichuan vegetable, Chinese mushroom and dried shrimp.

Check out the innards, after the jump…

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NYC Cravings Makes Thursday a Midtown Day


It looks like the NYC Cravings Truck is changing up their schedule a bit. Their Friday spot (on 53rd btw. Lex+Park) is now their Thursday spot, and Wednesdays and Fridays are now open (check their twitter or the ML Twitter Tracker to find out where they’ll be.) Mondays is still 45th & 6th. (And don’t forget about their off the menu porken special!)

NYC Cravings Makes “Secret Menu Item” Permanent

Last Monday, the NYC Cravings Taiwanese fried chicken truck offered an “off the menu” special via Twitter: “Secret menu item: porken, combo of chicken & pork, for $7. tell your friends only. Tweet will self destruct in 30 mins.” Sure enough they deleted the tweet 30 minutes later… but that doesn’t mean the special is gone forever.  Like any great off the menu special, they’ll continue to honor the deal- as long as you know to ask for it.

I stopped by the truck yesterday (which was parked in Midtown for special make up day) to try it out for myself.

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Taiwanese Fried Chicken is Back?: After missing two Midtown days in the shop the NYC Cravings Truck is back, and to make up for it they are attempting to park on 48th & 6th. Awhile back Jiannetto's tried parking on that block, and lasted a day or two before being chased away by building security. You might want to follow their Twitter before heading out.

No Taiwanese Fried Chicken For You Today: The NYC Cravings Truck was named one of the 10 best food trucks in the country by GQ! They usually spend Fridays on 53rd btw. Park+Lex, but sadly their truck is in the shop and won't be open today.  To make up for it, they said they will come back in that spot on Wednesday.  Follow them on twitter, or on the ML Twitter Tracker.