Archive for 'Greek Streat Meat cart'

Desi Chef On Wheels Is Still On The Road; Greek Street Meat Cart MIA?

There have been some fluctuations with the trucks and carts in the lower part of the Financial District as the area continues to be clogged with generators and vehicles taking up parking spots.

A couple of you lunchers have written in wondering where the Desi Chef On Wheels and All American Diner I & II trucks, and the Greek Street Meat cart have been. Apparently the trucks had been MIA for a week or more and you were going into withdrawal from Indian food and hero sandwiches.

While this is all worrisome, I have come bearing a little bit of good news.

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Downtown Lunch: Greek Street Meat Cart

Midtown workers shouldn’t have all the fun, so to even the score, I’ve brought on Daniel Krieger as an official Downtown Lunch Correspondent to write up some of the tasty stuff you can get in the lower half of Manhattan. He’s a great photographer (ensuring good food porn), but more importantly he is a lover of cheap, unique and delicious eats (or as I like to call it- Midtown Lunch’ish food.)

Downtown Lunch: Greek Street Meat Cart

Call me a Midtown Lunch infidel, but I’ve never been a huge advocate of street meat. I’ve been burned too many times eating lunch at a cart, only to have my stomach sounding like a garbage truck rumbling down the West Side Highway a few hours later.

But I’m a Midtown Luncher now (well, a Downtown version of one anyway), and so with a heavy heart (all those burgers have an effect on the arteries) I set out to find my own local street meat peddler…and boy, did I ever find one.

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