Archive for 'Strip Club'

Pole Dancing Lunch in Bryant Park?

If you enjoy spending your lunch hour watching pole dancing, but don’t want to eat lunch at Rick’s Cabaret– you’re in luck!  Marlo from the “Pole Riders” will be doing her thing today at Noon on the corner of 6th Ave. and 42nd near Bryant Park.  All I know is what I read on this website (thanks Google Alerts!) but from what I can gather these ladies have a pole attached to a pedicab which they ride around NYC using to promote their various pole dancing activities. Not lunch related per se, but thought it was important to let you all know- because nothing is worse than walking by a random poll dancer in Bryant Park without knowing exactly why they’re there.

Strip Club Lunch: Getting Crabs and Strip Steak at Rick’s Cabaret

Can a Strip Club also be a Midtown Lunch?

There are a lot of strip clubs in Midtown, and many of them have food- but I’m guessing most are pretty expensive (like that weird sushi bar/strip club, Flash Dancers, on B’way btw. 52+53rd. You know you’ve noticed the awning!)  That’s what makes the $10 lunch deal at Rick’s Cabaret so amazing!  We could have a Midtown Lunch that doubles as a strip club.  How sweet would that be?

I remember the first time I ate in a strip club. It was when I lived in Boston, and a friend told me he needed to pick up something from his roommate who worked at the Centerfolds in Chinatown. An all you can eat pasta buffet was mentioned, and next thing I knew I was stuffing my face with spaghetti and meatballs in a dark, naked lady filled club.  I obviously have nothing against strip clubs, but there’s something about eating in one that even grosses me out. There’s also something about a free pasta buffet, that trumps all other rules.  Plus- as dirty as it was to eat in a place like that, it probably isn’t the dirtiest all you can buffet I’ve gorged myself at.

I really don’t want my ‘much better than I deserve’ wife to divorce me, so I don’t think I’m going to be checking out the Rick’s Cabaret $10 lunch deal… but I’m sure there are some of you who are willing to “sacrifice” and report back in the comments. Right?