Archive for 'Hallo Berlin'

Midtown is Sausage Free Until August 1st

An annoymous poster said that they saw a sign saying the Hallo Berlin Cart would gone all of July… back on August 1st.  I’ll be there with bells on.  Who’s with me?

Hallo Berlin Cart… Found! Sort of…

Apparently Rolf is in Germany, and has been there for a few weeks… so, now that the World Cup is over, we can hope to expect the Hallo Berlin Cart back soon.  I thought about calling the restaurant again to find out exactly when… but the first call didn’t go so well.  The lady I talked to yesterday thought the cart was there.  I guess her and Rolf aren’t that close…

Thanks to Bryan from MOMA for the tip.  He had a conversation with Rolf about a month ago… not sure the exact date of return- but we’ll try to keep you up to date!

Hallo Berlin Cart…. M.I.A.!!!

The Northwest corner of 54th st. & 5th avenue was surprisingly empty today.  Normally it is home to the infamous Hallo Berlin Cart, THE place for German sausage in town.  I figured what better time to review it… one day after the German soccer (football if you want to be a snob about it) team was knocked out of the World Cup.  I was hoping the Cart could bring solace to any fans of German soccer looking to drown their sorrows in one of the best German delicacies the city has to offer.

But the cart was nowhere to be found… and I can’t help but wonder, if yesterday’s game has anything to do with this?  Is it possible that Rolf Babiel was too depressed to come to work today?

Hoping to get to the bottom of this, I phoned Hallo Berlin’s actual restaurant on 10th Avenue and 44th street… but they were no help.  Partially because whoever answered didn’t speak english very well, but even after my question was finally understood, they told me the cart should be there.

Anyway, sorry to all the German Soccer fans looking for solace today… the actual restaurant is open, if you want to drown your sorrows with a beer after work- but the cart’s whereabouts are a mystery for now…

Hallo Berlin Cart, Usually at the Northwest Corner of 54th St. & 5th Avenue

Hallo Berlin the Restaurant, 626 10th Ave. btw. 44th & 45th st., 212-541-6248