Root for the Biryani Cart At This Weekend’s Vendy Awards

Briyani Cart on 46th Gets New Cart

My favorite event of the year has finally arrived!“>The 2008 Vendy Awards are tomorrow from 3-7 p.m. in Dumbo, and it’s no secret who I want to take home the coveted Vendy Cup: Meru and the Biryani Cart on 46th and 6th Ave. I’d be happy with a keep-it-in-midtown Kwik Meal victory as well (they’re on 45th and 6th), but that cart has already gotten their fair share of accolades.  I’d like to see the Biryani Cart get their day in the sun.

Over at Serious Eats: New York we set odds for the event, and put the Biryani Cart’s chances at about the middle of the pack.  If the cart is putting their best food forward, I’d pick his Kati Rolls, biryani, and chicken tikka masala over anything the other four carts are serving.  But as we all know, the cart can be inconsistent- and the event will be packed, so the potential for being overwhelmed is there.

Kwik Meal on the other hand, has been there before- and knows what to do. And it’s hard to bet against pupusas from one of the Red Hook ball field vendors. It will be cool to see what happens.  If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, you should do it todayTHERE ARE LESS THAN 100 TICKETS LEFT, and if you buy your tickets before Midnight tonight they’re $20 cheaper than if you wait until the day of the event.  $80 is a lot of money, but you get free food from all the carts (including the four sweet dessert truck nominees) and the ticket is tax deductible, since it goes to a great cause: The Street Vendor Project (a non-profit legal organization that fights for the rights of all street vendors in New York City.)  Do it now, or be jealous when you see all the amazing food in Monday’s post!

For more info or to buy your tickets go to Here are all the Midtown Lunch posts about the Biryani Cart and the Kwik Meal Cart. And Serious Eats: New York has posts about all the competing vendors. See you tomorrow at the event!


  • Everytime I go to the Biryani cart usually around 1-2.. .they have no tikka masala. :-(

  • That’s cause I just got it at noon along with 15 other people.

  • Was just at biryani…they seem to be skimping on the kati roll filings with all the press. thats ashame. japanese tv crew was also there taking some shots (didnt order food…at least not that I noticed). Is the cart next door really the same? I know its their old cart, but does the person who works there know how to make it just right?

  • Every time I go, there’s no more chicken briyani. I’ve got a “what, it’s only [insert time] and there’s no more chicken briyani?!?” look that can make hyenas cry. It is the look of the Ruined.

  • I had a Buradi and Chennai roll today (no more PWCD at 1:30) and they were good as always. Didn’t notice any skimp on the filling, I just wish they would get more eggs so I could have the PWCD without showing up at 12.

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