Trini Paki Boys Get Official Sign & Menu on Their Cart

CHX & Rice Cart, 43rd & 6th Ave.

For years the chicken and rice cart on 43rd just East of 6th Avenue has towed the line of relative annoynymity and street meat fame. Often referred to as the “Trini Pak Boys” the cart has always served up a popular Indian/Pakistani tasting version of chicken over rice, but their sign has always been pretty crap-tastic. Hand scrawled, with no real indication of what they wanted to be called, the original sign has finally been replaced. The cart is now officially known as the Trini Paki Boys Halal Food, and the full menu is layed out in an easy to read format.

In our Street Meat Palooza post, the cart scored surprisingly low- but we were criticized for getting the yellow rice instead of the white basmati rice. I’ll make sure they get their fair shake in Street Meat Palooza 2!


  • I’ll take it as a given “Paki” is offensive, but I don’t see how Zach reporting about the cart with Paki in the name is offensive. When Don Imus said nappy headed hoes, were you offended that they repeated it in the news, or that he said it in the first place?

  • Rudy and Mike, in case your comments are directed at me…you should not assume…I assure you both of you would be wrong. :)

    Also, to address Mike’s point…It is silly. You seem to believe the “white man” is overly burdened. You do realize how dumb you come across?

    I have written something below which I am pretty sure you never heard of.

    Immigrants had to go through a process of becoming “white”. Italians, Poles, Russians, Jews, and Irish were not considered “white” in the traditional when they arrived on these shores. It was the younger generation who would be truly accepted as “white Americans”. Unfortunately many people like yourself Mike have forgotten what hardships immigrants had to endure…whose ancestors today we take for granted as being “white”.

    This is process is still ongoing and changing with immigration but the only difference is that even a 4th generation Chinese-American wil always be seen as chinese first because of the physical characteristics…so they will never be “white”. So race and all the baggage that it brings with it will be in play.

  • Rudy, bet you a pint that someone calls someone else a nazi before 5pm NY Time

  • I didn’t write that. Nobody else on this blog has heard of

  • reverse racism? white guilt? chinks in armor?

    fuk me gently with a chainsaw already

  • Mamacita, I’m sure that can be arranged with a few clicks of the mouse on Craigslist. Stuff white people like jumped the shark before it was a book…

  • I’ve heard of it even though made me realize I’m not white. And I find that offensive.

  • @ mike: no, you’re not the only one who frequents that site. apparently abrain doesn’t understand sarcasm.

  • @ wayne: Ya dang Nazi… (only cause british ale is so goood! )

  • @ fed: I understand sarcasm…but just found it lame and my man.

  • Sorry for my grammer and spelling mistakes…had a long night. Shall do better next time. :)

    Meant to say: fed: I understand sarcasm…but just found it lame and stupid my man.

  • @abrain. man? where i’m from, if you call a woman a man, you are not only sexist, but you’re racist to boot! i’m so offended.

  • I have made it my life’s work to offend people of asian descent.

    This is the first I have heard of “Paki,” so-called.


  • @wayne, I laughed out loud at your first post, thanks – brilliant!!

  • Hey CockChug, your life’s work might be better served in a sanitarium. Just saying.

  • I’m in late, after the drama, but I gotta say the use of “Paki” freaks me out, too. Not by Zach, because he’s just repeating the name of the cart, but by the cart itself using it. It’s just not cool, and reinforces the acceptability of such a slur.

    A shame, too, since that’s a cart that’s actually CLOSE to me and I could try it out if I ever left my 2 block radius. Damn.

  • Wow you people, its just a freaking food cart. They don’t have a probelm with it why is everyone else so edgy. The only thing that bothers me is the confusing prices as they seem to have mixed up the order of SM MED LG.

  • I just click through DocChuKKK’s profile. He is FAT. I though he would be lean and mean but he just a olld fat white man. Not suprising.

  • Abrain, I didn’t say it wasn’t a slur. I said it wasn’t one in common usage in the U.S. Midtown is in the U.S. (I hadn’t heard of it as a slur until the Prince Philip incident myself.) This increases the chance that someone could use it as shorthand for Pakistani without intending it with the full force it would have in a pub in Southwick. I’d like to see the name changed, but there should probably be a difference in intensity of reaction, at least, to someone using a slur in full knowledge of what it means and with intent to offend and someone who you have some good reason to think is not.

  • Are they there today? I didn’t see them yesterday…

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