Obika Watch Day 2


Yesterday was supposed to be the grand opening for Obika, the Italian Mozzarella bar in the atrium on 56th and Madison– but as Eater reported yesterday, and today, the place is not open. I love cheese just as much as the next guy, and I’ll probably check it out the day it opens just to be sure- but from all the press it’s gotten I’m starting to think this is definitely not going to be a Midtown Lunch…

Thanks to Lunch’er Bossman for sending along the photos.


  • I believe that’s Sarah Hellerman in that photo with her imaginary co-worker.

  • Yes! That is me!

    This is too much….first you spy on my IP address and now you stalk me with a camera? I can’t believe it. People, I am not a big star like Adam West or Tony Danza……just leave us alone!

    My coworker says he is not imaginary and I agree with him

  • Not much change today other than the bags of sand that were outside on the floor yesterday are now on a cart presumably to be brought into the plywood-encased area to be mixed with cement (should that interest you).

  • what is the estimated new opening date?

  • The bags of sand still sit atop the cart, however, today I saw two construction workers (either that or a couple of homeless guys jumper the barrier and were making off with a glass counter). Doubtful this opens this week.

  • Padlocked the two times I passed yesterday. They’ve moved all the construction stuff into a much smaller area of the atrium, seating has returned. I peaked inside and there were four guys behind the bar, one gesturing madly with both hands and the other 3 looking on with quizzically. I also spotted a construction worker inside (chatting on his cell). I’m guessing if it’s happening this week it’s not until Friday.

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