Polish Playboy Loves Taam Tov

It’s been forever and a day since Taam Tov (the semi-hidden 3rd floor Uzbeki restaraunt on 47th btw. 5+6th) has been mentioned on Midtown Lunch, but that doesn’t mean it’s out of the spotlight.  The Polish version of Playboy featured them recently.  Now I know what you are thinking… “Zach, I could have sworn your subscription to Polish Playboy ran out over the summer.  How on earth did you find this article?”  Well, that’s an easy one.  They used one of the photos from my post about Taam Tov in the article. I have no idea what the feature was about, or what they said about the place, because I can’t read Polish… but it’s exciting anyway.  Look Ma!  All your hopes and dreams for me finally have come true.  Your little boy has a photo credit in Polish Playboy.

If you can read Polish, after the jump there is a close up of the sadly-safe-for-work article (which I’ve heard are really good in Polish Playboy.)


Midtown Lunch Original Review of Taam Tov (9/6/06)


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