Archive for 'Moshe’s Falafel'

Moshe’s Falafel Raises Prices

Moshe's Falafel

After a giving up fried foods for Lent, I had a post-Easter hankering for falafel, so I headed over to 46th street to hit up Moshe’s Falafel just back from their Passover hiatus. While waiting to place my order discovered that they’ve raised their prices across the board.
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Moshe’s Falafel Truck Pops up on 33rd St.


The original Moshe’s Falafel cart (on 45th and 6th) does just fine, but they can’t seem to figure out what to do with their truck.  They moved it from Union Square to Broadway and 57th, where they lasted about a week or two before being kicked out by the cops.  Now they’re parked on 33rd btw. 7+8th, and offering free delivery (646-415-0027).

Moshe’s Falafel Moves 2nd Truck from Union Sq to Midtown

At Lunch Now: Somebody Missed Eating Bread!


Wow… this was the line at Moshe’s Falafel at 1:45pm today (on 46th and 6th), which reopened along with a few more of your favorite Kosher spots, after being closed for the Passover holiday. The New York Times reported this morning that bagel places would be mobbed today… I guess that applies to falafel carts as well.

Moshe’s Falafel Moves 2nd Truck from Union Sq to Midtown


The Moshe’s Falafel truck that has been parked in Union Square for the past 6 months has given up on that spot and moved to 57th and Broadway.  According to the guys running the 2nd truck, business started off ok but has tapered off significantly during the winter.  So this week they decided to try out the NW corner of Midtown.  They haven’t settled on a permanent spot as of yet, but plan on being somewhere near 57th and Broadway every day starting around Noon.  Yesterday they were on Broadway btw. 56+57th on the West side of the street, and have already started to draw a crowd.

It’s been awhile since I’ve eaten at the Moshe’s Cart, so I decided to re-sample the goods…

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Moshe’s Falafel Gets Stomped by Union Sq. Competition

Apparently Moshe’s Falafel (on 46th and 6th) has another truck parked in Union Square, but according to Ed Levine it doesn’t hold a candle to the other falafel options in the area (Maoz, Rainbow, and Pita Joe). If they expand the competition to other areas, Midtown Lunch would totaly get behind Olympica Pita (on 38th btw. 5+6th) and the Azuri Cafe (on 51st btw. 9+10th).

Biriyani Cart & Moshe’s Falafel Get New Looks on 46th

Briyani Cart on 46th Gets New Cart 

The Biriyani Cart on 46th btw. 6+7th., which rose to prominence when they added roti rolls in the wake of Kati Roll’s move to 39th Street, unveiled their new cart on Monday.  The menu and prices are much clearer now, with useful descriptions of all their kati rolls.  This is definitely one of my favorite carts in Midtown, and it just seems to be getting better, with the addition of a few new menu items. Their chapli kebab has been offered for a little while now (it can be ordered as a plate or in a kati roll) but today is the debut of the new PWCD Kati Roll which is described on their new flyers as being “egg layered chapati bread with farm fresh scrambled egg and potato.”  Farm fresh?  On a cart?  Get out of town.  I will definitely be trying this soon.  Sadly though 2 kati rolls is now $6 whether you order chicken or lamb.  (Not sure when this price hike occured, but at some point it was 2 for $5 if you ordered chicken- so it is a price hike.)

Briyani Cart on 46th Gets New Cart

The old cart is not going away though.  The owner plans on opening a second location with the old cart on Monday.  He is shooting for 43rd & 6th, but I’m a little skeptical that the Trini-Paki Cart will allow that to happen. I’ll keep an eye on the situation for you.

This wasn’t the only unveiling this week on 46th St.  Moshe’s famous falafel cart got a new look as well… Read more »

Moshe’s Falafel

Day Two of Falafel Week!

It's day two of my search for the best Falafel in Midtown… and while nobody has ever recommended Moshe's to me- I have walked by it many times, and it usually has a really long line.  Well, in most places, long lines means good- so I figured I'd try it.

I'm not sure if I was there on a bad day or what, but the falafel I got was a mess.  There was so much tahini poured over the top it was impossible to eat.  I asked for hot sauce, but couldn't taste any under all the tahini- so I'm not sure if it was there, or they forgot to put it on. 

Because this is a cart, and the falafel are made right there, they were warmer and a little fresher then yesterday's falafel (House of Pita), and had a really delicious outer crust that tasted sort of like the batter that you find around fried seafood in New Orleans (definetely not a bad thing!).  Unfortunately the inside was a little a dry.  You would think the tahini would have helped, but all of that was on the top, and the falafel was on the bottom.  Their layering could definetely use a little work.  Four falafels on the bottom of the pita pocket, lettuce and tomato on top of that, and then one falafel on top to make it seem layered… with the whole thing smothered in tahini.

I basically had two bites of falafel covered in tahini, four bites of just lettuce and tomato, and then the bottom was all falafel.  The pita was better then yesterday, but it started falling apart after bite two, because of the tahini.  Pretty disappointing.  Usually taste rules, but when considering a place to eat a quick lunch on your break from work- messiness has to be taken into consideration. 

Like I said, there was a really long line, so people must like this place- and maybe I just got one bad falafel.  Next time I will definetely ask them to go easy on the tahini… maybe that will be an improvement.  $4.25 for a whole, $3.00 for half… although I'm not sure what would constitute half… maybe less filling?  That might be an improvement as well… If you've been here before please comment and let me know if your experience has been the same as mine.

The +/- and location info after the jump… Read more »