Archive for July 2009

This is Why You’re Fat Hawaii: Comment of the week... "I was on Maui for a week a few years back and visited a bunch of plate lunch joints, realizing that a 4000-calorie lunch, along with a genetic predisposition, is why many Hawaiians, who are perhaps the world's warmest and friendliest people, weigh 400 pounds or more. Many finish off their plate lunch with a two-pound shave ice, a syrup-sweetened cone of ice with a scoop of ice cream or another treat at the bottom of the cone. That said, I've ordered L&L [Barbecue] a few times and generally been satisfied (as well as filled)."  I think I might want to move to Hawaii.

Trini Paki Boys’ New Chicken & Pigeon Peas Pelau


I don’t necessarily have some burning desire to eat pigeon (or squab, or whatever you want to call it) from a cart, but I will admit to being slightly disappointed to find that the Trini Paki Boys (on 43rd & 6th) were actually serving pigeon peas- not pigeon- yesterday. I suspected as much when I got the tip, but it didn’t lessen the let down.  I’ve eaten a lot of gross things in the name of Midtown Lunch’ing, but I’m pretty sure pigeon from a New York City street cart would have gotten me inducted into the Andrew Zimmern hall of fame (if such a thing existed.)

As long as I was there, I figured I’d try the “pigeon” dish they were serving… chicken pelau (with pigeon peas.)

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Twitter Tracker: Noticed a few interesting nuggets on the ML Twitter Tracker this morning... The Papa Perrone Truck is off today, but will return tomorrow.  And the Steak Truck is serving popcorn chicken over waffle fries all week long.

Today is the Final Day For Rock Center’s “Tastes of Summer”

Brasserie Ruhlman Grilling Up Kobe Burgers at “Tastes of Summer”

A couple of commenters clued me in to the fact that Ina Garten’s kitchen isn’t the only thing going on in the Rock Center plaza this week. It’s accompanied by a “Tastes of Summer” outdoor food court. Sadly nothing is being giving away for free, but there is lunch being sold by some of the area restaurants.

It’s fun when there are food events like this in Midtown, but most of the food at this one is completely useless since you can just walk an extra few feet to the stores themselves and pay the same amount of money for the same food. But there were three burger options that are worth mentioning…

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Burger Deal Reminder: Don't forget, today is the last day for the $10 early bird special at Burger Joint. And tomorrow is the last day for the $10 special at HB Burger.

Another Day, Another Cart

You know something would be wrong if a week went by without somebody announcing they’re opening a new street cart.  This week we’ve got two.  The Bistro Truck plans on hitting the streets by the end of the month serving up a delicious (and cheap) looking menu of Moroccan specialties like merguez, lamb, and tajine (in addition to a burger, and steak sandwich.)  They’ll start off in Union Square, but the owner told me they might come to Midtown eventually.  You can see the menu here, and follow them on Twitter here.

There are also rumors that a Momofuku Truck is in the works. We would welcome that venture into Midtown with open arms as well (natch.)

Le Gamin’s Merguez Sandwich is Totally Worth the $9
The Perfect Space For the Next Momofuku is in Midtown

Eggs Travaganza’s Serious Cart Breakfast

I don’t eat my breakfast in Midtown (one meal a day in this wasteland is enough for me, thanks) but if I did this would easily be my #1 choice: the Eggs Travaganza Cart (on the NE Corner of 52nd & Park). Pancakes and bacon? Chorizo and eggs? Breakfast wraps? All from a cart? Amazing. Now if only they’d stay open past Noon! [Serious Eats: New York]

Midtown…Breakfast? [ML Forums]

Ok, Seriously? NOW This Froyo Thing is Getting Ridiculous


Somebody please make it stop. I spotted this sign on 8th Ave. btw. 46+47th inside a Subway/Papa John’s combo. ONE BLOCK AWAY from a Red Mango! Nobody is going to eat your crappy froyo rip off. Can you just answer me this. WHY?????

Another Terribly Named FroYo Place (Plus more from the Church’s Food Court on 8th Ave.)

At Lunch Now: Pigeon Peas is Different Than Pigeon

As suspected, the Trini Paki Boys Cart (on 43rd and 6th) was not selling pigeon today, but pigeon peas- as part of a chicken "pelau" introduced yesterday. The dish is a traditional Trinidadian rice dish that they plan on having every Tuesday and Wednesday. Full report coming soon. (Oh, and btw… tomorrow is goat biriyani day at the cart. Maybe not as exciting as pigeon, but it’ll have to do.)

Kinako Soft Serve Alert: I don't think I've ever had kinako (soybean powder) in any form- but according to Kathy YL Chan, Cafe Zaiya on 41st btw. Mad+5th is now serving kinako soft serve... and I will take her word for it that this is exciting news!  I guess we'll need her to update her food porn guide to Cafe Zaiya.