Fully Loaded Vegan Hot Pot from Temple’s Vegan Truck

Last winter Craig LaBan wrote an article about different food trucks around town, most I had visited or at least heard of but one truck mentioned was totally new to me- the Vegan Truck on Temple’s campus. This struck serves Asian style vegetables and soy proteins.  Looking at the menu, it seemed that the fully loaded “hot pot” was the best way to check out how the truck handles their different non meat products.

This is probably the most fun tofu soup around. There are so many different variations of tofu-thin ribbons, smooth slices, cubed- it made me really appreciate the different forms and textures tofu can take on. Also floating about were black fungus (also a fun texture), thin pieces of gourd, and cabbage. The spicy broth was simple but not bland (you could also pot for the non spicy version).

I really wanted to try the spicy wontons, but didn’t feel like getting a full order so I  asked the truck guys to add a few to my hot pot for an extra dollar. I don’t think they were necessary, since soy skin was already present, but it didn’t hurt.

THE + (What somebody who likes this place would say)

  • A non boring vegan hot pot that a carnivore could even enjoy

THE – (What somebody who doesn’t like this place would say)

  • I would never eat something called black fungus

Vegan Truck, on the East side of 13th  St, south of W Norris


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