Giving The Hot Soup Cart A Second Chance After A Bad First Impression

Anyone who works in the vicinity of Wall St. is probably familiar with the Hot Soup Cart that’s parked on the corner of Pearl. Chris had tried two of the soups there last winter and was smitten enough with the offerings to change his opinion about soup. My first trip to the cart when it was down on Broad St. was not quite such a success. But hey, I’m all about second chances so I headed back to the cart the other day when I wasn’t feeling so hot to see if I had just caught them on a bad day the first time.

You might be asking yourself, “What was so terrible about the first visit, Andrea?” Well, I do believe I got the lentil soup and it was a little too far on the watery side for my taste and was not very flavorful. I like a thick-ish lentil soup, and this was not it.  The real deal breaker for me was the bread. Sometimes I just get soup as an excuse to stuff my face with bread. The roll I was given was for some reason split in half and spread with about a half-inch of margarine…which I didn’t realize until I took a big bite out of it. Fail!

When I went back this time they had the usual large variety of soup and for some reason the chicken chili with beans jumped out at me. They had a beef version as well as the lentil and Caribbean chicken that Chris tried. I went for the large ($5.50) that thankfully came with a normal roll. The chili had a good kick to it and was full of the advertised chicken and beans. It was pretty tasty, although the chicken chunks were a little strange texture-wise. It was almost like it was fake chicken. I can’t really complain because I ate all of it, though.

I’m glad I gave the cart another chance and I’ll probably be back now that I have renewed confidence in their soup-making abilities and bread choices.

Hot Soup Cart, Wall St. at Pearl


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