3 More McBurritos to Invade Midtown

You know what I say… the only good Chipotle is free Chipotle, and two more Chipotles opening soon in Midtown should mean two opportunities for free burritos.  The first one is on 45th Street btw. 5+6th and is tentatively scheduled to open on Monday July 14th.  Usually free burrito day is the day before the grand opening, but that would be a Sunday and very disappointing.  I’ll confirm as we get closer to the date… but let’s hope July 14th will bring gratis burritos.  Maybe that will make up for their grossly misleading calorie postings.  Signs for the second location have gone up on 50th and Park, but no date has been set for an opening.

In other chain burrito news, if you work on the west side and were jealous of the east side Qdoba alternative- the west side will soon be getting its very own Qdoba on 50th btw. 6+7th.  Huzzah! 

Have you seen a new place set to open up in Midtown?  Email the news, with or without a photo to zach@midtownlunch.com


  • You didn’t mention the location of the second Chipotle soon to open. I believe there is one opening up on the corner of Park and 50th or 51st. That is going to be a madhouse.

  • Dombrooks, the sentence at the end of the first paragraph: “Signs for the second location have gone up on 50th and Park, but no date has been set for an opening.” wasnt’ clear enough for you?

  • Nope thats pretty clear….my head today not so clear after drinking at beer garden in Astoria.


    Kielbasa at beer garden is excellent.

  • Why couldn’t have this post read “3 More Taco Bells to Invade Midtown”

  • And full TBs too, not those lame “TB Express” holes-in-the wall!

  • Amen to that. I need Mexican Pizza and chalupas.

  • Is the 45th location where the old Harvey’s was. They just put up a new glass front.

  • My recent experience with a Chipotle chicken burrito will be my last, thank you.

    My bowel health is more important than free food. Plus, I am a wealthy man anyway.

  • Cockchug, the burrito goes in your mouth, not your other end

  • Hey Zach — I pointed the new Chipotle on 45th St. out to you a few weeks ago!

  • Excuse me! I live in DocChuck’s “other end”, and so there is no additional *twitch* space available for a foil-wrapped burrito. So help me God *twitch* if you try that, I’ll bite your nuts off

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