ML Happy Hour: After Our First Date, I Won’t Be Calling Charley O Again

If you like to eat, chances are you like to drink (read: a lot of you are freakin’ lushes), so every week our Happy Hour Correspondent “Mamacita” will post about a different bar in Midtown that fits the Midtown Lunch mentality: unhealthy food, not lame (unless it’s lame in a cool way), and most importantly… cheap.

I’m going to tell you about a blind date I recently had. It was with a guy named Charley O’s. His opening line of $5 Long Island ice teas, margaritas and cosmos, featured all day, was enticing enough and the word on the block was that Charley had been satisfying various lush needs since 1950. While some ladies might find this off-putting, some of us can appreciate what a more mature gentleman has to offer. I daintily ascended my stool with an open mind and heart. Little did I know the disappointment that awaited me. Some age like fine wine and some just…age.

Charley O’s may have been around the block for a long time, but I don’t see the allure. The bar is nice and provides comfortable seating, but even after a few drinks you can’t get past that this is a chain restaurant meant to lure in the theater district crowd. Charley is the guy you are fine saying hi to in the hallway, but regret going out with.

My L.I. ice tea was good but not very potent. The only draft beer on special was Budweiser. And like a bad date the person servicing me was likewise wishing they were somewhere else with someone else.

Let’s just get down to the brass tacks of this bar review. Sorry Charley, don’t expect a call in the morning.

The Plus + (What someone who likes this bar would say)

  • All day happy hour is reasonabley priced if you like sweet drinks, plus 1/2 priced appetizers
  • It’s near the A,C,E subway and train convenient for theater goers and commuters
  • I am not picky about my service and I frequent Applebees

The Minus – (What someone who dislikes this bar would say)

Charley O’s, 713 8th Ave (at W 45th St.,) (212) 977-0025


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