Marketa Closed For Rennovations

Photo courtesy of Lunch’er “Harry”

Sad news in the forums for fans of Montreal bagels and greek dips.  Marketa, the upscale (for lack of a better term) “market” on 56th btw. 6+7th from the owners of Milos, has closed for renovations.  It will be interesting to see if they are actually making improvements to the place that will make it more Midtown Lunch’ish (i.e. lower the prices) or just calling it “renovations” until it reopens as something completely different.  Only time will tell…


  • User has not uploaded an avatar

    This place has been closed for months. I suspect it is not coming back. Either that or it is the SLOWEST RENOVATION EVER.

  • Is Danku still under renovation? :)

  • User has not uploaded an avatar

    The brown paper and renovation signs have been up at Marketa for at least 4-5 months. Not holding my breath.

    As for the Danku space, it’s now a branch of Fresh & Co., a carbon-copy of Café Metro.

  • I actually liked Marketa but they were all over the place conceptually. Were they a cheese shop? If so, having the cheese in a separate area from anyone who might “help” makes no sense. Were they a sandwich shop? If so, having no place to sit or really even wait while something is made makes no sense.

    I’d love to see them come back and commit to a concept. They did have the best selection of cheeses in the neighborhood and the sandwiches were good (if overpriced). Alas, I think like all other long time renovations….they are gone.

  • I went in there a couple of times there was a cheese girl who would give samples and talk about the cheeses. The only thing I ever bought was a container of tzatziki for $6 to use on my Carnegie John platter. Brought the rest home and used it the rest of the week. It was damn good!

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