Free Condiment Alert

A guy who owns a Midtown lunch truck is retiring and moving to Florida… so his condiments are up for grabs on Craigslist: “ALL BOTTLES ARE OPENED AND ARE NOT FULL* but this would be great for someone who owns a small restaurant or lunch truck, or just anyone who likes to add condiments to their food. I can give them out all together or individually. Please call me asap, you can pick them up in Midtown Manhattan at my apartment today.”  Amazing.  I’m kind of curious what truck this is. [Craigslist]

UPDATE: Who knew free condiments were so popular?  The post has already been deleted… (but just to prove I’m not crazy, a screenshot of the ad is after the jump)


  • HOT SAUCE!!!!

  • Free Condoms!

  • I guess that I am curious as well!

    What rational human being would want to purchase these GAWD-awful, dirty, polluted, bottles of disgusting condiments in the first place.

    When I eat in a restaurant (which is rare) I REFUSE to even touch one of these nasty, encrusted, filthy bottles.

    What the hell is it with New Yawk City folks that clouds their judgment when it comes to what they put into their gullets?

  • The page has been deleted!!

  • What rational human being would want to read these GAWD-awful, dirty, polluted comments from D0cChuck in the first place

  • I dunno how much id trust open used condiment bottles from a midtown truck/cart…

  • I wasted 30 minutes looking at the free classifieds in Craigslist. Someone was actually selling a Whole Foods bag of slightly stained sleepware….

  • i in love with the “my name is clark” part.

  • Last time I went to someone’s apartment to pick up a box full of free condiments…well it didn’t turn out well to say the least.

    I mean who would have thought anything weird would happen when responding to an ad like that…boy I learned my lesson though.

  • Condiments from a midtown food cart sound suspect, indeed, but considering how much A1 goes for in a store, I’d consider taking them. And who doesn’t like “to add condiments to their food”? Huh?

  • Hmm, the boom years of the 90s, free condoms.

    The recession years of today, free condiments.

  • Retiring, huh?

    12 opened bottles of A-1 doesnt speak stellar business acumen to me (to say nothing of marginal organizational skillz).

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