100% Halal & Healthy Joins the Sandwich Challenge

The cart on 55th and Park, that serves one of the only salads I’ll eat in Midtown, has joined the Midtown Lunch Sandwich Challenge, with a little help from Profiled Midtown Lunch’er Andrew.  Their entry consists of “kofta, grilled chicken, grilled onions and peppers, melted cheese, his famous thick hot sauce and some white sauce.” Nice.  [Wined and Dined]


  • he’ll make it to-order, but i recommend going with pita over roll, feta over american cheese, and specify the thick hot sauce or you’ll likely get the lighter, less potent, more tabasco-ey hot sauce. oh yeah, and the hot and sweet peppers add a nice kick, too.

  • mmm–gotta try that Tuesday.

  • It was delicious!

    He has a seperate sign up with the Midtown Lunch sandwich sign up on it.

    Unfortuantely, the line was 2x as long as usual–the guy says he’s been much busier now that “everyone’s talking about this sandwich.”

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