PROFILE: Philly Luncher “Janeane”

As we try to do at Philly Lunch, every Tuesday we turn over the site to a different lunch’er for his or her recommendations for the best lunch in Philadelphia. This week it’s Janeane who is looking for lunch suggestions appropriate for taking clients.

Name: Janeane

Age: 26

Occupation: Account Manager for a digital agency, frequent overeater, and co-creator of Philly-ism

Where in Philly do you Work?: Maiden Media Group in Old City.

Favorite Kind of Food: Pig Items, Offensive Cheeses, Mexican everything.

Least Favorite Kind of Food: Unicorn meat. You’d assume it would be amazing, right? Nope.

Favorite Place(s) to Eat Lunch in Philly: Agh, where to begin! 1) DiBruno Brothers (16th and chestnut) because the food is mesmerizing and I dance and sing every time I’m in there, 2) Pitruco’s spicy garlic pizza is worth the garlicness (they’re stationed at love park… most days), 3) Smile Café (21st and chestnut) because its cheap, quick and you get a minimum of three things with each meal, 4) Han Dynasty (front and chestnut) because the man is a schezwan god, 5) Café Ole (3rd and arch) has got hummus, chicken salad and Shakshouka covered.

“Go-To” Lunch Place You and Your Coworkers Eat at Too Often? Café Ole for sure. I’ve tried 80% of menu and the only thing I wouldn’t recommend is the turkey sandwich (but honestly, who eats turkey sandwiches at an Israeli café anyway…people with boring mouths, that’s who.)

Place you discovered thanks to Philly Lunch (if any) I actually discovered something new at a place that I already loved! I had my first tryst with bone marrow at Meme which was obscenely good. Then I read from another luncher about Fried Chicken Thursdays, can’t wait to hit that up sometime.

If you could work anywhere (just because of the lunch) where would it be and why? Spain for sure. Tapas, cafe con leche and spanish people all the time? Don’t forget the post meal midday siestas. Heaven on earth. Yup, that’s my final answer.

Is there anything you’d like to ask the Philly Lunch readers? What are some amazing/comfortable/impressive lunch spots for entertaining clients? And more importantly (yet totally unrelated), why would anyone pack a lunch in a city full of such deliciousness?

For clients- the nicer places I have been to and enjoy include: Mercato, Fork, and The Capital Grille.

If you would like to be next week’s Profiled Philly Lunch’er (or know somebody you’d like to nominate), email me at


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