Sombrero Cart Pretending to Be a Vendy Award Nominee

Midtown NYC Taco CartA very astute Lunch’er Wade noticed this bit of fraud the other day on the Mexican cart with the sombrero parked on 50th btw. 6+7th: “This cart has a sign up that it was a 2005 Vendy Award ‘nominee’. It certainly wasn’t a finalist that year (or any other year). Does this simply mean someone (a relative with a different last name, perhaps) nominated the cart? It’s tolerable, but not Vendy-worthy.”  Very curious indeed.  A look at the list of nominees from 2005 shows that there is no way anybody associated with this cart (which serves sub-par your-mom’s-taco-night style Mexican food) was nominated for a Vendy Award.  Does this mean there is a black market for Vendy Award nominee signs? Or maybe it fell off the Hallo Berlin Cart and this guy picked it up?  Either way, I think I’ll be sticking with the Mexican cart on 60th and 3rd (who may actually one day be nominated for a Vendy Award.)


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