PROFILE: Philly Luncher “Abby”

As is customary at Philly Lunch, every Tuesday we turn over the site to a different lunch’er for his or her recommendations for the best lunch in Philadelphia. This week it’s Abby, a pickle loving teacher.

Name: Abby

Age: 31

Occupation: Teacher

Where in Philly do you Work?: Old City

Favorite Kind of Food: Pickles, especially if they are deep-fried

Least Favorite Kind of Food: Scallops. Actually, I dislike slippery food in general.

Favorite Place(s) to Eat Lunch in Philly: The gigantic sicilian pizza slices at Fork, etc. (3rd and Market); Chicken salad-salad at Cafe Lutecia (23rd and Lombard); Philly roll at Mizu (20th between Walnut and Chestnut); Falafel truck (20th and Market), you’ll feel sluggish and reek of garlic the rest of the day, but it’s worth it.

“Go-To” Lunch Place You and Your Coworkers Eat at Too Often? The deli counter at Grocery between Chestnut and Market on 4th St. (it’s a hidden gem)

Place you discovered thanks to Philly Lunch? Sandy’s, where my grade-school love for pizza steaks and corned beef were rekindled.

If you could work anywhere (just because of the lunch) where would it be and why? New York City because the options are endless.

Is there anything you’d like to ask the Philly Lunch readers? Why aren’t there more food trucks in Old City?

If you would like to be next week’s Profiled Philly Lunch’er (or know somebody you’d like to nominate), email me at


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