Seaport Holiday Market Boasts Crepes, German Sausages

If you’ve been at the South Street Seaport and made it past the giant Christmas tree and throngs of confused-looking tourists, you may have noticed and/or smelled the food stands. I was unaware that these existed, and at first they seemed pretty boring with one selling crepes and another various kinds of drinks including hot chocolate. Then you will see a big round stand with a round grill and buns hanging in the middle, and realize that you can get a delicious sausage while gazing at the Christmas tree.

The sausages are in the $6 price range, so maybe not the best deal in the world, but the stand seems to be run by real Germans if that makes any difference. You can get a look at a specimen here, and this is your cue to either head to the holiday market for a snack or avoid it like the plague until the tree and carolers are gone.


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