Pasta Platters from Foods on First

Foods on First on Arch Street is pretty easy to walk by. I stopped in because I confused it with the place next door offering fried chicken. But once I was inside and realized my error, I already sort of felt like I had to go with it. I was the only one inside and it felt wrong to walk out, plus I figured I could find something worth eating.

Besides a slew of sandwiches, they had a list of pasta specials for lunch. I so rarely order pasta, that I was tempted.

For just under $10 I got a big take out portion of chicken francaise over lemony pasta with a side of garlic bread and jello. First, I have to say, I can’t remember the last time I had jello sans alcohol, it tasted strange. The zealously oiled pasta and egg and flour dredged chicken cutlet were surprisingly satisfying.  The pasta and chicken were both cooked properly and I suppose if you add enough lemon and oil to anything it will taste decent.  It was a large, carby plate that would leave anyone full. I can’t attest to the sandwiches and other menu items a Food on First, but my accidental walk in ended up exceeding expectations.

Foods On First Too, 1429 Arch St, 215 568-3555


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