Point Breeze’s Breezy’s Cafe

Breezy’s Cafe opened a few months ago in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Philly, signaling that gentrification is on its way there. The small cafe serves caffeinated beverages sandwiches and salads. Organic, local, homemade, and vegan are reoccurring menu themes. Not to leave anyone out, Breezy’s is really an inclusive place, there are several meat options too.

They have no problem handing substitutions here. I asked for an off menu grilled cheese with bacon and tomato on a pretzel roll ($7). They use uncured bacon here, which is apparently better for you because there are less chemicals, but still tastes like lovely, thick cut bacon. This was a nice version of a fancied up grilled cheese. The salty pretzel roll doesn’t get all toasted like a normal grilled cheese, which the owner warned me about it advance, but it was still working for me.

If you are in the area, though I’m not sure why you would be at this point, Breezy’s Cafe is probably one of the better cafe options. And even if you don’t frequent Point Breeze, Breezy’s is a nice stop for a relaxing bite while supporting local business in a developing area of the city.

Breeyz’s Cafe, 2011 Reed St,  267 858-4186



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