PROFILE: Philly Luncher “Chris”

As is customary at Philly Lunch, every Tuesday we turn over the site to a different lunch’er for his or her recommendations for the best lunch in Philadelphia. This week it’s Chris, who I hear is quite the home chef

Name: Christopher

Age: 27

Occupation: Sales

Where in Philly do you Work?: Mt. Laurel, NJ

Favorite Kind of Food: Asian-y stuff.

Least Favorite Kind of Food: I will eat anything you put in front on me, but (non-fried) chicken is usually pretty boring.

Favorite Place(s) to Eat Lunch in Philly: The dude at 20th & Market for his falafel; its by far the best in the city. The lemongrass tofu banh mi at Q.T. Vietnamese (10th & Arch), usually supplemented by dessert from K.C. Pastries (10th & Arch-ish) and a couple lamb skewers from Solo (next to Q.T.). If your job is permissive about liquid lunches, Jose Pistola’s (15th & Spruce) frequently has Friday afternoon beer events and Monk’s (16th & Spruce) is way less crowded than during the evening.

“Go-To” Lunch Place You and Your Coworkers Eat at Too Often? Jose Pistola’s.

Place you discovered thanks to Philly Lunch (if any) I find myself frustrated by your recent forays into the untamed wilds of Philadelphia. New Wave (2620 E Allegheny Ave) and El Fagon (B & Venango) both look awesome, but let’s be real, I’m never going to either of those places.

If you could work anywhere (just because of the lunch) where would it be and why? It seems a little drastic to move just for lunches, but I ate kushari for lunch like 5 days/week when I did study abroad in Cairo. You can cop some at Mazag Cafe (10th & Carpenter) on Wednesdays. (Don’t forget um aly for dessert!) Its insane. So I’ll say Cairo.

I am impressed that you dabble in Solo’s skewers, Chris! How brave

If you would like to be next week’s Profiled Philly Lunch’er (or know somebody you’d like to nominate), email me at


1 Comment

  • brave to dabble in solo’s skewers?? c’mon jamie. it’s the closest we’ve got the the skewer guy on the street corner in flushing.

    it’s the only place i know of that sells lamb skewers like they do in china! so, so, so good.

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