PROFILE: L.A. Lunch’er “Chas”

As is customary on Midtown Lunch, every Tuesday we profile a random reader to get their recommendations for the best spots to lunch near their work. This week it’s Chas, a burger blogger who loves… well… burgers obviously, but also Cajun food.

Name: Chas

Age: 32

Occupation: Television Editor and Burger Blogger

Where in L.A. do you Work?: I work freelance all over town, but I am mostly in the Santa Monica.

Favorite Kind of Food: Cheeseburger

Least Favorite Kind of Food: Anything vegetarian

Favorite Place(s) to Eat Lunch: Father’s Office (3229 Helms Avenue): Burger, sweet potato fries and a nice craft beer. Umami Burger (Multiple Locations): The Umami Burger, cheesy tater tots and a Deadlift IPA. Bay Cities Italian Deli (1517 Lincoln Blvd.)– The spicy godmother. Wockano (1413 5th Street): The Maguro sushi lunch special, which is 5 pieces of tuna sushi, tuna roll and a salad. Sometimes they will give you miso soup as well.

“Go-To” Lunch Place You and Your Coworkers Eat at Too Often? It is always different, especially since I am always working with different people.

The farthest place you’ll drive for lunch on a normal day? I actually do sometimes drive all the way to Downtown Disney (on the weekends) to eat and Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen . Being from Houston I miss my Cajun food and this place is the only one that I have found that tastes like home, so about 51 minutes.

If you could work anywhere (just because of the lunch) where would it be and why? New Orleans, some of the best food in the world and drinking at lunch is not frowned upon.

Is there anything you’d like to ask the Midtown Lunch readers in L.A.? What is your favorite burger in Los Angeles?

Wow. Ok. Are we going to go there? I guess if push came to shove I’d say my favorite fancy burger (of the ones I’ve tried) is at Comme Ca, and for old school California style I like Pie N Burger over Apple Pan. Got a burger opinion to share? Put it in the comments. And as always if you want to be next week’s Profiled: L.A. Lunch’er (or know somebody you’d want to nominate), email me-



  • Might want to change the lead-in. Still has Caroline’s name.

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    So many burgers….for me, the cure for the easy fix is In & Out, locations everywhere and you don’t have to pay $14 for meat in a bun…and the sublime smell of onions stays in your car for days afterward. mmmm..

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