Archive for February 2010

Welcome to Midtown Lunch: Los Angeles

So… here she is!  The new Los Angeles section of Midtown Lunch.  Not much to see yet, but give me time. I just got here.  For those who have never heard of Midtown Lunch (and I’m guessing that’s most of you who live here), it’s a blog I started almost 4 years ago dedicated to finding lunch in the food wasteland of New York City’s Midtown Manhattan.  But not just any lunch.  I wanted a good lunch.  A unique lunch.  A lunch that was under $10!  (Significantly under $10 if possible.)  I wanted my lunch hour to be an adventure (or barring a full blown Indiana Jones experience, at least a meal that would make me forget about work for an hour.)

You see I’ve always felt like there are two kinds of people in every office.  There is us, people who know what good food is and want to eat it, and there is them.  You know who I’m talking about…  that co-worker who eats at the same boring place every day, spending more money than he or she should on mediocre food simply because it’s easy, or convenient, or familiar, or, even worse, healthy.

Screw that…

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