Archive for 'Carl’s Steaks'

Half Off At Carl’s Steaks: Before there was a truck selling cheese steaks, there was Carl's Steaks on Chambers St. (btw. Broadway & Church). There's a deal today for $14 worth of food for $7, which is a lot of cheese and steak.

Jury Duty Lunch: Downtown Goes Philly (Cheesesteak) on Your Ass

Carl's Steaks 017
No, no, you’re at the right place! This isn’t Midtown Lunch: Philadelphia, I promise, though after Jamie’s video about how to eat soup dumplings, it doesn’t look like such a bad place to be.  Which is why I’ve chased down a little corner of Philly and taken a closer look. Carl’s Steaks has been on the collective ML radar for awhile now, Zach having reviewed it back in the day up in Midtown, but for some reason the Downtown outpost has eluded us. But not anymore. Last week I went in, shook hands with Carl himself, and took a big, greasy bite out of Philly.

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