The 47th Street Food Truck Haven is Spilling Over to Park Ave.

As Blondie reported in June, over the past year or so, the number of food trucks parking on 47th Street between Madison and Park has been growing. All summer, the block has been a reliable destination to catch any number of tasty food trucks. I guess there haven’t been any legal/parking conflicts yet, as evidenced by the fact that the trucks continue to park there. But now, it looks as though the food truck madness is spilling over to Park Avenue…

Yesterday afternoon, I counted no less than six food trucks along the east side of Park between 47th and 48th streets. I saw DiSo’s, Grill on Wheels, Chipsy King, Gorilla Cheese, La Perla Mexicana, and Bodillaz. Maybe it’s worth noting that this is also in front of a JP Morgan building… Is the big bank doing something to lure these trucks nearby? In any case, I certainly don’t mind. It’s quite nice to stroll down 47th street and then up Park and just survey all of the food options. Between the two blocks, you can expect 10-15 different trucks to choose from on any given afternoon. It’s kind of like an outdoor, urban food court.

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