Maoz Closed By Electrical Fire

Thanks to discskyer for passing along this photo of the Maoz on 40th and 7th Ave.  It’s quite a coincidence that this happens the same week that the DOH is giving out letter grades… but we’ll take them at their word (their last inspection would have gotten them an A).  As for lunch, if you’re looking for some replacement falafel in the area you’ll have to make due with this, this, or this.


  • What do you mean that you’ll take them at their word? Why are you suggesting that they are lying about the fire? That’s an unwise comment.

    • A lot of restaurants hang up “renovations” signs when they get closed by the DOH. It’s pretty common actually… so we were just saying that we believe the sign- and linked to their last DOH inspection, which was an A.

      How is that “unwise”? lol


      • OMG Maoz sounds like Mao, which sounds Chinese. Zach is clearly insinuating that Chinese people are dirty! Where’s CCG? How RACIST!!!

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    I actually walk by this Maoz everyday and got to peek inside yesterday b/c someone left the door open. The wall closest to the exit door had a huge hole in it that looked like a mini-explosion had occurred. I think there was a legit accident unless someone burned a huge hole just to try and avoid a letter grade.

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    There was a legit fire there. The comic book store upstairs apparently had to be evacuated, but no serious damage. I’m not sure how bad it was at Maoz.

  • Yup – there were a bunch of firetrucks out there yesterday afternoon due to a fire at the comic store above.

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