There is a Downside to Massive Cupcake Expansion

You know, aside from drawing the ire of Anthony Bourdain (and those of us who agree with Anthony Bourdain.) Cupcakes Take the Cake is reporting that Crumbs is now posting calorie counts for all their cupcakes (required by law for any food place with more than 15 locations.) Haha… good luck with that!


  • i just had the chocolate chip cookies from Pret a manger and noticed that they had a calorie content written under them. 300 that means if i eat 10 cookies which i can easily do, i will be eating 3000 calories. O_O

  • i just had one of their cookies yesterday… i dunno – but subway cookies do the job just as well, but you get 3 for $1

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    to be honest, the numbers don’t look that bad. according to cupcakes take the cake, the highest was 600 for the carrot cake one and those cupcakes are huge.

  • i never had cookies from subway but cookies from Pret a manger was good but i wouldn’t vote it as the best cookies in NYC. My favorite is chocolate chip cookies from Double tree hotel. so good!!

  • I gotta tell ya — from my rundown, ramshackle shack here on a mountain top in North Carolina, that cupcakes play a HUGE role in my diet, in my culinary life, and in my pursuit of happiness.

    ALAS, there is not a cupcake (other than my lovely wife) in sight.

    But as soon as I climb down from this Cold Mountain, I’m headin’ for Safeway and a whole passel of ‘Little Debbie’ cupcakes.

    Why, pshaw, if my welfare check has arrived, I may opt for the more expensive “Hostess” cupcakes!

  • I have seen the calorie counts, I understand that a cupcake counts as an entire meal, and it makes me love them that much more.

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