How Will Gourmet’s Closing Affect the Trini Paki Boys Cart?


I don’t know if the closing of Gourmet Magazine will have the same effect on the surrounding street lunch spots as the closing of Lehman Brothers did just over a year ago. But one cart that might notice is the Trini Paki Boys on 43rd and 6th, the go to chicken and rice spot for much of the Gourmet staff. In fact, both Editor in Chief Ruth Reichl, and Exec. Editor Doc Willoughby mentioned the cart in their respective profiles.

It was business as usual at the cart yesterday, where they actually added a brand new item to their already packed menu:  “Soya Chunks”, a tofu like substance that they’ve stewed in a really flavorful curry sauce. A lot of the smaller items available at the Trini Paki cart are vegetarian, but if you don’t eat meat and have always wanted to try their chicken over rice, this is the closest you’re going to get.

The Hidden Delicious Mysteries of the Trini-Paki Boys Cart
Midtown Already Feeling Lehman Withdrawl

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