The Steak Truck Should Make a Pastrami Burger!


At this point Cer Te (on 55th btw. 5+6th) is the only place left creating new sandwiches for the Midtown Lunch Sandwich Challenge– although after reading this New York Times article about Pastrami Burgers, Lunch’er Adam had a great suggestion for the Steak Truck (on 47th and Park Ave.) in the forums yesterday:

“There’s the steaktruck… they have both burgers, and pastrami. I suggested to the steaktruck guy that he make a pastrami burger! If enough people ask for it, maybe he’ll add it to the menu (or perhaps he’ll just be nice enough to make one upon request.)”

I like it. A pastrami burger from a truck. Let’s make this happen…

Pastrami burger midtown or anywhere Manhattan?


  • I’m not even a big pastrami (more into corned beef)person but if the price is right, I’ll bite.

  • Another suggestion: Why not add some buffalo sauce to a chicken cheesesteak? BAM! Buffalo chicken cheesesteak (I know bleu cheese is needed, but baby steps).

    I proposed this to the guys a couple days ago when I went for my first time for the chicken cheesesteak special. They said a) there probably wouldn’t be enough demand, as b) I was the first person to ever ask! I don’t think it’s asking too much to just keep a bottle of sauce.

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